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Dashboard update: Correlating Diagnostics with Customer Feedback
By: , , ,
28 November 2015 dashboard

We all know that talking and listening to customers is paramount, customers know best! To help WebRTC developers gather feedback from their customers, the SDK has an API call callstats.sendUserFeedback() to track feedback from customers. We wrote a blog post about it earlier this year. The user feedback metrics which were made available earlier this year, are now augmented by new features:

  1. Score and comments.
  2. Search by user feedback: excellent, acceptable, or dissatisfactory.

Today, we updated the dashboard to show both the MOS ratings and the comments given by end-users. Below are screenshots from our dashboard, they show that there is powerful correlation between our diagnostics and user feedback. The customer complains that the connectivity breaks every few seconds, i.e., they are unable to hear the other participants or sees a black screen instead of the other participant’s camera view. This may happen due to low network capacity, high latency, or a very lossy network. In this case,’s analysers were able to detect and diagnose the issues accurately, in real-time, as they happened.
The event graph in dashboard showing ~20s long disruptions in User A’s connection every few minutes

The event graph showing ~20s long disruptions in User A’s connection every few minutes

A comment by User A saying that “it kept breaking every few minutes for 20sec”

A comment by User A saying that “it kept breaking every few minutes for 20sec”

To send your customer feedback to, have look at the integration guide in the previous user feedback blog post. If you already have customer feedback flowing to, login at and see the user feedback comments.

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