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One Year of Measuring WebRTC Service Quality
By: , , , ,
18 December 2015

This is probably the last blog post of 2015 for, as the holiday period is just around the corner. Hence, it is the perfect time to re-cap some numbers from the first full year of’s operations. Below is the presentation, which Varun gave today at the WebRTC Upperside conference in Paris.

Here is a quick recap of the presentation. It should be noted that the results are based on the services monitored by and may not be representative of the general population. Enterprise apps and certain types of services may skew the results in favor of particular items within a distribution. It should also be noted that the measurement was done on webapps, particularly on browsers, hence does not represent the usage behaviour on mobile applications. measures service annoyances, and at the conference level: the transport and network quality, and media quality per stream.

service level metrics dashboard

Service level metrics in dashboard

During the first year our data traffic has grown 100x, and most of that growth has happened in the last few months, a sign that the codebase is becoming more mature leading to more services being deployed. Below is a summary of observations based on the aggregate metrics that has collected during this year (2015):

  • Browser share: Chrome (~95%), Firefox (5%), really small usage numbers for Temasys and Opera.
  • Operating systems: Windows (49%), OS X (34%), Linux (13%), Android (4%).
  • 3 participant conference calls seems to be emerging, while only 6% of the conferences have four or more participants,
  • IP version distribution is: IPv4 (97%), IPv6 (3%). Meanwhile, in Europe alone it is: IPv4 (83%), IPv6 (17%).
  • About 22% of the conferences need some kind of a TURN relay server.
  • 95% of failures happen due to connectivity issues.
  • In 25% percent of the conferences a participants leaves and rejoins the conference at least once.
  • About 40% of Round Trip Times (RTT) fall between 150 and 400 ms.
  • About 80% of conferences have a setup time of less than 5 seconds

Happy holidays and a best wishes for the New Year to everyone!

Happy holidays and lucky new year!

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