We speak at WebRTC and real-time communications related events on a continuous basis. Time to time, we also speak in WebRTC related podcasts. In some of those events and podcasts the speeches are recorded to video and published after the fact.
To make it easier for our readers to find our video content, we have created a new page where we collect all videos of our talks: www.callstats.io/videos/.
Introduction to WebRTC statistics and getStats() API by Varun Singh at Kranky Geek São Paulo
Our latest talk was in November, when Varun was speaking at the Kranky Geek WebRTC event, which we sponsored among other WebRTC service providers. You can find all speeches from the São Paulo Kranky Geek event at www.krankygeek.com/brazilrp.html.
Industry reports
We released our first WebRTC Metrics Report at the beginning of January, and the next one is due in March 2017. Over 100 copies of the report have been downloaded, and we even sent some printed copies to our friends in the industry, who seem to have liked them. Thanks for the tweets Arin and Igor!

Next issue of the WebRTC Metrics Report series will be published in March 2017
Similarly to videos, we have created a page for our industry reports: www.callstats.io/industry-reports/. All of our current and future industry reports are accessible from the page. Newsletter subscribers will always get each new report to their inbox when they are released, without a need to fill in any forms.