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Starting to Work at Software Developers
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21 April 2017 has been rapidly growing in the last six months (and we’re still hiring!). It’s been our experience that the incoming employee’s first tasks and first impressions of the work environment often set the stage for their long term job success and thus, we aim to make our employees feel welcome in the first weeks and plan their work in a way that gets them instantly working on the product.

We talked to three recently joined staff members - Full Stack Developer Arttu Tervo, and Software Analytics Engineers Lennart Schulte and Balázs Kreith - tell about their experiences on joining

Welcome to, guys! Before joining the team, what were your expectations of the team and the work?

Before joining us, Balázs was working on his PhD studies in real-time multimedia communications at the University of Debrecen, and two years ago visited Aalto University to work together with founders Jorg Ott and Varun Singh. He saw as a chance to use and apply his academic expertise while also learning and applying new technologies: “I expected that I would need to learn a bunch of new technologies and practices e.g. Javascript, Java, Storm, WebRTC,…”

Joining our growing subsect of PhD holders and doctoral students at, Lennart, a PhD student in mobile networks, expected that coming from a university background, it would take him a while to really fit in and be fully productive. He was excited about the prospects of learning new skills and tools, working with WebRCT, protocols and Javascript.

Ability to learn new things was also an important factor for Arttu: “I really hoped that working at I’d be able to both lend my expertise and experience to the company and constantly learn about new tools and technologies”, he tells.

And how did the first weeks and months meet your expectations? What did your first tasks include?

“I got right to work. I did a project from zero to production already during my first two weeks. The project in question was about extracting invitation email sending to an asynchronous background job using AWS Lambda” tells Arttu.

Balázs remembers how he started off his career with us by implementing an algorithm into callstats.js to adapt the performance of the stats collection process.

Similarly, Lennart was given a lot of responsibility from the get-go: “In my first weeks, I did many things actually: I developed a demo application for an audio/video conference; I created graphs for our metrics report, answered customer questions and queries and made his first commit in production, fixes for the API documentation.”

The three agree that the onboarding experience and the first tasks given to them were well-suited to get off to a good start: They were challenged, but at the same time, their work was productive for the company.

And now, having been here for a while. How has working at been like?

Balázs: “Productive and fun, as the environment is friendly and helpful.”

Lennart agrees: “We’ve gotten help from our team members to adapt to the industry working style and the tasks have been framed in a very clean way. I’ve always received guidance and response to any questions I might have. This has made me feel well taken care of.”

“Integrating to the team has been easy, fast and fun: We have a highly dynamic working style and it’s easy to get to know everyone by working together and spending time with one another on and off hours.”

Arttu appreciates the build-fast-use-fast attitude in the team: “In my work building platform and tools for data analysts, I like that I get to work on real time user data that brings value to our customers. During my first five months all the expectations have been met or even exceeded and I feel that we’ve just started.”

Ready to join our ambitious team at We’re currently hiring for multiple roles, including dev, design and biz positions!

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