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Organization Stats: Aggregate Service-Level Stats For All Your Apps!
By: , , ,
25 October 2017

Today, we are announcing a new feature: Organization Stats — a way for you to see an aggregate of the service level statistics across all your apps. It is built for teams that monitor multiple services or applications with The dashboard has evolved over the last year from a single app associated to a user account to multiple apps and then to multiple users managing those apps. In practice the org stats are used by customers that 1) have multiple apps in production because they are different services, or 2) they serve multiple customers over their infrastructure and need a different dashboard associated to each customer.

This feature allows you the flexibility to pick any set of apps to aggregate and the org stats will aggregate and show the service-level stats for corresponding apps. If you have several apps, you can quickly aggregate apps by modes, i.e., the app is in production or in testing. On the the dropdown menu, the apps with the green indicator is in production mode, while apps with an orange indicator is in testing.

Note you need to be an Admin to see the Organization stats. You can access the stats by clicking on the “Organization stats” from the top right control panel. This feature is available to all customers that have multiple apps, i.e., Pro and Enterprise tier customers.

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