At, we do our best to have candid, accessible relationships with our customers. This has only become more undeniable since we released our demo, which gives you a complete look at our Enterprise Tier, no integration required. Along with open communication comes a lot of questions, which is why we wanted to take the opportunity to answer the most common questions we get about
1. How Do We Make Use Of What We Get with
Integrating brings multiple benefits to many parts of your organization, including product management, customer support, service operations, and development. Our goal is to create a world where real-time communication is frictionless and effortless to set up, operate, and scale, and we want to accomplish that goal with you. We don’t fill our dashboard with meaningless metrics just to have an exhaustive list. The metrics we monitor are designed to bring value to you.
We also release a report every quarter on WebRTC Metrics. These metrics give you insight into how well your service is performing and what may need improvement.
2. What Metrics Do You Report On, and What Do They Mean?
Our metrics are collected from each endpoint in every conference. They are summarized per connection, session, and conference. In addition to this, we aggregate these metrics across all of your conferences to provide meaningful, service-level statistics. More information about the metrics we report on can be found in our help center.
For information on our top seven dashboard metrics, check out our infographic.
3. What is Your Customer Support Like?
We have a comprehensive customer support system in place to ensure your team gets up and running smoothly. This includes a useful help center, and individual support over email.
We also have thorough API Documentation available for our JavaScript API and REST API.
4. Can We Get A Demo of Your Dashboard Before We Buy?
Yes! We very recently released a demo of our dashboard, which gives you access to all of’s features to filter target conferences. Start a live conference and monitor it in real-time; debug, search, and aggregate conferences, all in the demo. No integration required.
5. Can You Benchmark Our Service with a Similar One and Tell Us How to Improve?
Our WebRTC Metrics Reports are compiled once every quarter to give you an accurate and thorough look into worldwide WebRTC performance metrics. These are a great starting point to use to compare your service and see what needs improvement and what is already working well.
6. Is There a Notification System Built Into That Can Help Us?
There is! We very recently released a new Push API to export data outside of our dashboard in real-time, so you can recieve a conference summary immediately after the conference ends. This notification can be sent directly to slack or your custom webhook URL. They have many use cases, including real-time alerts for DevOps, building custom dashboards, data mining on the data store, or storing data for longer periods.
7. How Much Work Does It Take to Integrate?
We make our integration as effortless as possible so you can get up and monitoring quickly. You can integrate our libraries in JavaScript, Java, React Native, or with our REST API. In addition, you can use us with over ten different third-party SDKs, including AppRTC, Jitsi, and jsSIP.
Looking to get started? Sign up for an account here.