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Steal-worthy Insights from the Metrics Report [Infographic]
By: ,
06 July 2018

Two weeks ago, we released the latest issue of our popular reference guide for WebRTC metrics. This report covers metrics sampled across all deployed apps and services using In the report, we cover Objective Quality version 3, distribution of frame resolution, and the stability of frame resolution during a call.

The report answers questions like:

  • What operating system and browsers dominate WebRTC?
  • Do different browsers, OSes, geographical locations, or number of participants have an impact on quality?
  • What is the distribution of frame resolution based on browser, OS, number of participants, and duration of a call?
  • Is the frame resolution more stable on different browsers, OSes, or depending on the duration of the call?

The report and aim to enable a world where teams effortlessly collaborate, people reliably get access to the best doctor, the most prompt support staff, the coolest interconnected video game or entertainment system. If developers are stuck reinventing the wheel, they cannot innovate and create the products that amaze and fascinate. We help developers on any size team build the next generation of effective, effortless real-time communication products.

This useful infographic explains easy to digest insights into the growing number of WebRTC deployments. This includes information on intercontinental and intracontinental WebRTC sessions, media quality, audio and video quality, and frame resolutions.

Insights into the WebRTC API

Download the full WebRTC Metrics Report here!

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