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For many companies just exploring voice and video, knowing which platform to use in building out their services can be a daunting task. Finding the right balance of control, specialization, and cost can be difficult, especially with a market of extensive platforms. This blog post delves into several voice and video platforms to help you understand which gives you the most control.

By: Alexandrea Mellen,

At, we use multiple different internal and open source services to create one cohesive product. In a lot of ways, this is great. It enables us to implement features and iterate much faster than if we were building everything from scratch. However, implementing microservices can present its own set of complications.

By: Sten Hägglund,

Using artificial intelligence in conjunction with the network to optimize media quality is a more abstract idea than many direct applications of AI. Nevertheless, it has the potential to seamlessly improve real-time communications.

By: Alexandrea Mellen,

By 2019, video traffic will be 82% of global consumer Internet traffic. Debates are becoming more intense on the importance of factors including open-source and royalty-free options. What video codecs are most prevalent in the industry today?

By: Alexandrea Mellen,

SRTP is one component of security in WebRTC that give comfort to developers looking for a secure API. But what is it really, and how does it work?

By: Alexandrea Mellen,

Artificial intelligence in real-time communications can greatly improve audio and video quality and reliability. But how? Read on to find out.

By: Alexandrea Mellen,

WebRTC has a rich and interesting history, starting in 2010 with Google’s acquisition of On2 and Global IP Solutions. Before thinking about the next version of WebRTC, let’s take a look at the past.

By: Alexandrea Mellen, Varun Singh,

Our deep dive series into REST API continues with a post on ICE connection state changes. Read on and make the most out of your call diagnostics service.

By: Marcin Nagy, Binoy Chemmagate,

Artificial intelligence in real-time communications is enabling a plethora of new features now more than ever. In this post, we talk about the cool and exciting transcription, translation, and emotion detection tools entering the market.

By: Alexandrea Mellen,

WebRTC data channels have various use cases, several of which are outlined in our WebRTC Metrics Reports. Over the past several weeks, we delved into the different use cases for WebRTC, including the IoT, P2P Video Calls, P2P Messaging, Content Sharing, and Onion-routed Communication.

By: Alexandrea Mellen,

Technical literature is often riddled with buzzwords and specialized lingo that can be confusing to understand. In this post, we clarify what it means when we talk about QoS, QoE, and more, to help our readers better navigate these buzzword-laden waters.

By: Martin Varela,

No matter the complexity of the WebRTC product, it’s important to have some sort of monitoring tool so you are not relying solely on customer feedback. This infographic gives you background on how monitoring workload is divided between Customer Support, DevOps, and Engineering teams.

By: Alexandrea Mellen,

Our new update to the service level dashboard lets you filter, slice, and dice your data quicker.

By: Binoy Chemmagate, Juho Heikkilä, Mikhail Sakhnov, Marcin Nagy, Pua Sze Yuen,

While onion-routed communication has already proven quite effective, thanks in large part to Tor, this is another area where WebRTC can significantly improve the status quo.

By: Alexandrea Mellen,

Two weeks ago, we attended AI Net Conference 2018 in Paris. The conference consisted of tutorial sessions and talks about artificial intelligence and how it can be used in networking. Here are my insights.

By: Lennart Schulte,