Check out Optimize, our new AI-powered product!

Last week, several members of the team attended Enterprise Connect. Here are our key takeaways from the event.

By: Alexandrea Mellen, Binoy Chemmagate, Varun Singh,

Low media quality occurs due to a variety of reasons, most of which can be fixed automatically. Today, we are announcing the first artificial intelligence solution for WebRTC, Optimize. Optimize significantly improves call quality by applying AI and ML algorithms, and works in the background estimating the optimal quality for each user, using insights from the previous sessions.

By: Varun Singh, Marcin Nagy, Lennart Schulte,

Delay and jitter are naturally tied to each other, but they are not the same. They are both impacted by several factors and both affect the network, but they describe different problems.

By: Alexandrea Mellen, Balázs Kreith,

Our Long-term vision for evaluating media quality for real-time communication is grand and this post discusses how we measure annoyance.

By: Varun Singh,

Gearing up to the magical Scandinavian summer, we’re happy to announce internship opportunities with!

By: Juho Heikkilä,

Objective Quality (OQ) is a popular high-order metric displayed on our dashboard. It evaluates the quality of a conference call by giving each stream a score. Today, we are rolling out Objective Quality Version 3 (OQv3). In this blogpost, we describe the updates that were made to’s popular quality score.

By: Balázs Kreith, Jeremi Podlasek, Navid Khajehzadeh,

Media quality is affected by a number of factors, but is especially susceptible to end-user network environments. Understanding the network conditions for WebRTC calls can ensure higher media quality and predictability. To tackle this issue, we launched a new feature called pre-call test.

By: Binoy Chemmagate, Lennart Schulte,

Our customer noticed that their RTTs were higher than expected. We went to work to understand what caused the high RTT values.

By: Navid Khajehzadeh, Lasse Lumiaho, Alexandrea Mellen,

The main reason we use Kubernetes at is simple: It lets us minimize the number of servers we run in our AWS ecosystem, naturally bringing about sizeable cost efficiencies. But we also make use of many features available in Kubernetes.

By: Eljas Alakulppi, Shaohong Li,

For many developers looking to dip their feet into WebRTC, one of the biggest questions is whether to use a software development kit (SDK). This is especially true when the intended purpose is strictly one-to-one, peer-to-peer (P2P) communication.

By: Lasse Lumiaho, Binoy Chemmagate,

Our deep dive series into REST API continues with a post on ICE gathering state changes. Read on and make the most out of your call diagnostics service.

By: Marcin Nagy, Binoy Chemmagate,

We think of data collection and presentation at as a pyramid, with individual call data at the bottom of the pyramid. As we go up the layers, the data gets aggregated in stages into a holistic view for your WebRTC App.

By: Varun Singh,

The new tab-based dashboard layout and improved filtering help understand specific conferences or users; ‘Conference details’ tab gets a makeover

By: Juho Heikkilä, Isa Ojanen, Binoy Chemmagate,

A deeper look into signaling state changes kickstarts our new series of blog posts about the REST API. We hope these tips and tricks help you make the most out of your call diagnostics service!

By: Marcin Nagy, Binoy Chemmagate,

Download our new WebRTC Metrics Report discussing metrics sampled from our global service. This time we focused on statistics for pre-call test, which estimates connection quality before a call starts.

By: Varun Singh, Lennart Schulte, Marcin Nagy,