WebRTC Case Studies

How WebRTC companies use callstats.io to improve quality in communication services.

How Jitsi moved their focus from bug squashing to scaling.

October 9th, 2017. The Jitsi team at Atlassian dramatically reduced bugs and debugging time. Now they use callstats.io to grow the Jitsi service.

Pluot relies on callstats.io for usage insights and technical diagnostics.

July 18th, 2017. Pluot, the Videoconferencing System for Remote Teams, Relies on callstats.io for Usage Insights and Technical Diagnostics.

How the team communication app RENdez-vous by RENATER keeps track of its WebRTC analytics.

June 21st, 2017. How the Team Communication App RENdez-vous by RENATER Keeps Track of Its WebRTC Analytics.