White Papers

Download callstats's complimentary white papers to learn about real-time communications topics which also includes getting started, building and scaling WebRTC products.

The Future of WebRTC: Innovative Use Cases of Real-Time Audio and Video Communications

As the adoption of WebRTC(Web Real-Time Communication) and artificial intelligence continue to grow, we are seeing a new breed of interactive experiences emerging in consumer and enterprise domains, mobile and new devices, private applications and public services.

In this guide, you will learn:

  • The Underlying Drivers and Enablers of RTC
  • Emerging Use Cases of RTC
  • The role of Artificial Intelligence and IoT in RTC

Pick the right SDK provider for your WebRTC project

Choosing the right SDK provider when launching your WebRTC-enabled video project can be overwhelming, which is why this guide aims to help you make informed decisions when building your next WebRTC project.

In this guide, you will learn:

  • What to consider when getting started with your WebRTC project.
  • The WebRTC ecosystem: who are the WebRTC providers.
  • Pricing breakdown of the WebRTC providers.

A Case of High Latency

Occasionally, our customers ask us to help them understand some media quality characteristics and deviations in their WebRTC data. Many properties of WebRTC metrics affect media quality, so understanding the causes of changes in media quality requires a multivariate analysis.

We used our Anomaly Detection System to examine our customer’s data, which applies various analytical techniques to understand why their RTT was not up to par.

In this white paper, we discuss the results that the system uncovered.

Cloud-based contact centers - the WebRTC story

The WebRTC technology enables communication between web visitors and the contact center, with no need for the end users to install a client, or even dial a phone number. WebRTC is the realization of the long-held dream of “one-click connect,” and it’s changing everything.

Our white paper goes through the basics of setting up a WebRTC team and choosing to build or buy a technology stack for your contact center.
